Wednesday, March 9, 2011

10A: Freak Factor

Here's a link to the article,

This reading basically states that your weaknesses are not necessarily a bad thing. In fact they can also be your greatest strengths, like a double edged sword. In the section "What's my problem," Rendall talks about finding your weakness and capitalize on it. Your weakness makes you different and unique, you shouldn't waste your time trying to fix them. They are important clues to your strengths. A messy desk is something that is usually frowned upon. In actuality a messy desk usually means that a person is more creative. I agree with this section because I feel that too many people in the world are trying to fix themselves, find themselves, or whatever, when the answer has been within them the whole time. The next section I would like to talk about is titled, "Flawless: There's Nothing Wrong With You." People always say that addiction is a bad personality trait because of drugs and what not. Of course this is a problem, but addiction can also be a very good personality trait to have. You just need to apply it in the right direction. Rendall also talks about dyslexia in this section. Dyslexia is labeled as a disability in our society because people with this "disability" get letters and words mixed up, which leads to major problems with reading and writing. But, a recent study showed that 35% of small business owners have dyslexia. Also, another study found that people with dyslexia are far more likely to become millionaires. This just goes to show your weakness can also be your strength. The last section of the article I would like to talk about is titled, "Forget it: Don't Try To Fix Your Weaknesses." Trying to fix your weakness actually puts you at a disadvantage. It's time consuming and hold you back from working on other areas that you excel in. It can also be painful to people, we don't like working on our weaknesses. I think this again is another valid argument. In my creative life if I was to spend all of my time trying to organize things, I would not be able to create as much as I wanted to. I think my weaknesses are being disorganized, shy, and indecisive. But, in turn being disorganized can be seen as a strength of being creative. Being shy can be seen as a strength of reflective and being indecisive can be seen as a strength of patience. I believe you just need to capitalize on your strengths and live with your weaknesses, which can amplify your strengths.

8A: This American Life

Here's a link to the article

Monday, February 21, 2011

7: Joke Video Review

Joke 1

Joke 2

In the first joke we utilized the concept of rhythm. There is a part in the movie when the main character farts three separate time and in between each far he is doing some sort of activity. This gives this makes the audience pay more attention to the movie because it is easy to follow. In the second video we used the concept of lines. We used straight lines throughout the movie, which contrast with the curvilinear shape of the beans. We did this to show the contrast that the beans had on his body. For example, throughout the whole movie main character is wearing a stripped shit. Also, in the dinner scene we used the moldings on the wall which point directly to the main characters face, to focus the audience on the main character. In both movies we used semantic sounds to represent thing that were going on in the video. For instance, the farting sounds and other sound effect throughout the video with the use of dubbing. In the second video we used analogous sounds to give a symbolic meaning. When the main character was first eating the beans, we used a song to foreshadow a horrible outcome, which would be the farting. Throughout the rest of the movie whenever the main character was about to have a farting episode, the song would play again. This also could be seen as a use of a leit motif. In the first movie we also used reduced sounds. This can be seen when the main character is in his girlfriends room. When she leaves the room he begins the fart, and after his fart he begins to spray fa-breeze to cover up the stench. The audience sees him spraying, but the sound is something else that they would not expect. We say the word, "spray" instead of using the actual sound.